The infant’s hands were not developing normally, and its organs were swollen. The news devastated the parents, but they had never considered adopting. They had intense desires for him.
Before learning her child would be born with abnormalities, this mother’s pregnancy was normal and healthy.
The physicians were honest with the expecting mother, warning her that she would have to change her lifestyle permanently to provide the best care for her unborn child.
They warned her that this was probably too big of a commitment for anyone and suggested she look into adoption instead.
She also recalled being warned that having a child with special needs would completely change her life.
A young disabled person may experience a wide range of discomfort that requires regular medication.
The doctor discussed the baby’s condition with the parents, but they said little. They simply assured everyone that they would provide for their son.
So that there would be no further complaints, the doctor gave them a paper with the ultrasound results as proof that the parents were informed of the child’s health issues.
The doctor told them that if they wanted to, they could continue on like this forever.