Such trading is a major problem for America, as not only do lawmakers have insider info on what stocks might do well, but they can also draft or hold up laws that could lead to advances in their stock portfolios, as they are allowed to trade individual stocks rather than just broad indexes.
Elon, commenting on the matter, noted that while it is possible to track what sorts of trades those Swamp Creatures are making, they are doing a lot more than just insider trading. He said, “It’s more than just insider trading. The insider trading stuff, like the stock portfolio stuff, is quite trackable, but there’s… it’s a-lot more than insider trading.”
That prompted Rogan to ask how else they are acting corruptly, leading to Elon jokingly but also somewhat seriously telling him that there could be threats to his life if he digs deeply into this aspect of the massive DC corruption. He said, “I mean, this is really going to get me assassinated. I’m not lengthening my lifespan by explaining this stuff, to say the least. I mean, I was supposed to go back to DC how am I gonna survive?”
He said, adding to that and being serious about why this could be a threat, that the DC types are getting desperate as he digs into their corruption. Beginning, Elon said that while he wants to root out corruption, he sees it as an issue he shouldn’t push too hard on, saying, “In fact I do think like there’s… it’s like I actually have to be careful that I don’t push too hard on the corruption stuff.”
Explaining why that is, the brilliant and highly wealthy founder noted that those involved int the corruption are getting desperate and could try something crazy. He said, “because it’s like, I was actually thinking about that on the plane flight over here. It’s like, if I push too hard on the corruption stuff, people get desperate is the issue.” Watch him here:
Noting that two people have tried to kill him and are now in the Travis County jail, Elon said, “So before the propaganda wave, the severe propaganda wave, the probability that any given homicidal maniac is going to try to kill you is proportionate to how many times they hear your name. And so they heard my name a lot, so I just got to the top of the list of two homicidal maniacs who were arrested.”