If you ever wondered how the eggplant got its name, this is the story behind this unique plant.
Well, we are very well aware that the long, purple crop goes well in a number of dishes. Whether it’s simply stir fried or used in salads or in more complex and traditional dishes such as baba ghanoush or ratatouille, the eggplant is in fact not a vegetable but a fruit. Yet, in a culinary sense, it is considered a vegetable.
Eggplants come in different forms and colors, way more unusual than the ones we are used to. In fact, eggplants come in shades of white, green, red, and black.
The name comes from their resemblance with eggs while they grow. Just like in the photo below posted by a Reddit user who made many go ‘aah’ when they saw the post.
Author: myhealthylife99.com