Mind-Bending Puzzle: The True Number of Squares Revealed

The Common Answer: 8 Squares

When asked, “How many squares are in this picture?” most people confidently respond with the number 8. But why 8?

Typically, when presented with a simple grid of squares, people focus on the most visible ones: the large squares that are easily noticeable. This answer is often the go-to response because it feels straightforward. However, while 8 is correct in certain scenarios, this question has layers. Let’s dive deeper into understanding why people might struggle with such a seemingly simple problem.

The Visual Trick: Layers Within Layers

Here’s where things get interesting: the grid of squares can hide smaller squares within itself. At first glance, it might seem that there are only eight squares, but take a closer look. The visual structure of these grids often contains smaller squares nested within larger ones, making it easy to overlook some of them.

So, why does this happen? Our brains are wired to take shortcuts. When we see a larger pattern, we often ignore the smaller components, which can lead to miscalculations in puzzles like this. This visual trickery is a reminder that sometimes the simplest questions have more complex answers hiding in plain sight.

Breaking Down the Square Puzzle: Hidden Squares

To understand how the question could trick you, consider how squares are formed. In any grid or picture containing squares, the lines that create the shapes can intersect in multiple ways. This creates larger squares, smaller ones, and even overlapping squares. Let’s break it down step by step:



  1. The Big Picture: The Outer Square
    The most obvious square is the large one that forms the border of the picture. This is the square that most people immediately notice.
  2. Smaller Squares Within the Large Square
    Once you identify the large square, take a closer look at its internal structure. You might discover smaller squares inside, formed by the intersecting lines or smaller grids.
  3. Overlapping Squares
    These are the trickiest to spot. Overlapping squares are often hidden by the larger shapes, but they’re still there if you look carefully. In fact, some squares are combinations of smaller ones, making the counting process more complex.

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