Bicarbonate of soda is an excellent ally at home for solving various problems, from bad odors to stains on the laundry, but placed in corners it has another effect, that of keeping insects away. Let’s find out how to use it and how to exploit all its effectiveness.
A valid help for household cleaning, bicarbonate is a natural ingredient that we can easily find at home and therefore always have available. Ecological and versatile, sodium bicarbonate is a carbonic acid salt present in nature dissolved mainly in surface waters and underground waters.
The substance appears at room temperature in the form of a white powder and soluble in water. This natural ingredient does not pollute and is used for many things, from personal hygiene to the perfect remedy for disinfecting, whitening and eliminating bad odors.
Its excellent repellent properties allow it to also be used to keep away insects that often infest the house, such as ants, mosquitoes, flies and even cockroaches.
How to use baking soda to keep insects away? Just put it in the corners where it often hides and the results are extraordinary. However, there are different methods for using bicarbonate , even combined with other ingredients. Let’s find out below how to prepare the right bicarbonate-based solution to ward off pest insects.
Baking soda to keep ants away
A perfect solution to keep ants away from the house is to prepare the following easy and economical recipe:
- Get some bicarbonate of soda and icing sugar
- Place 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda and 1 tablespoon of icing sugar in a large cap
- Mix carefully and fill two or three caps with the mixture
- Place plugs in strategic corners of the house
The ants will be eradicated in a few days , in fact the number will begin to drastically reduce immediately.
Cockroaches die with bicarbonate
The same recipe of bicarbonate of soda and icing sugar is also valid for defeating cockroaches permanently. The reason why cockroaches are attracted is sugar, but since bicarbonate has practically the same color, they do not notice its presence and therefore it is normal for them to approach it.
Place the mixture in some small bowls and place them in the corners where these little animals are often seen, particularly in humid and hot places. Baking soda will destroy cockroaches and poison them.
Bicarbonate to fight flies