Only 3 In 10 People Can Tell How Many Girls Are In This Picture..Can You?

Tiziana Vergari, a professional photographer from Switzerland, was working on an awareness campaign that aimed to showcase the uniqueness of women through art. Among the series of photographs she captured, one particular image caught people’s attention. In this image, young women are seen sitting in what appears to be a dressing room, surrounded by mirrors.

The illusion in the picture is quite common. The mirror next to the women reflects another mirror on the opposite side, creating an infinite series of nested reflections. This prompted a debate on social media about the actual number of young women in the photograph.

When you take a closer look at the picture, the answer becomes quite clear. There are two girls sitting beside each other between the mirrors. By matching their facial features and poses with those in the distant reflections, you can see that it is indeed just two girls. However, some people still claimed that the illusion showed dozens of different women or was the result of special effects.


Oh, the wonders of the web! It never ceases to amaze us and mess with our minds. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone comes up with something new that’s designed to boggle our brains and spark endless debates on social media.

The latest addition to this ongoing series of online illusions comes from the talented Swiss photographer Tiziana Vergari. She recently shared a photo on Instagram that has already garnered around 700 comments, most of which are people trying to figure out how many women are actually in the picture.

Is it three? Four? Two? Are they twins? And where exactly is the mirror? Nobody seems to agree.

To clear up the confusion, Vergari herself jumped into the comments section. She explained that the photo does indeed show two sisters, both of whom are looking into mirrors. The closest girl is looking into a mirror that’s just out of the camera’s frame, adding to the perplexity.

So, have you figured it out? Can you tell how many girls are in the picture? Take a closer look and let your eyes and brain unravel the mystery.

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