Moving on is made much more difficult when your ex is all over your feed, which is why so many people block their exes. But according to matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, Susan Trombetti, it’s possible for your ex to move on and still not want to be friends with you on social media. “An ex might block you in order to move on, to prove to a new love that you are part of their past, or maybe you are ‘liking’ their stuff too much and are a little too involved with their page,” she tells Elite Daily. “They know future prospects are going to see that and think you are still carrying a torch or maybe even that they still have feelings for you.”
It’s also possible your ex blocked you because they started seeing someone new and want to respect your feelings. “It’s important to not see everything your ex is doing because it is very likely only going to prolong your pain and suffering,” Dr. Brown previously pointed out. “Being constantly exposed to them on social media is likely to be extremely hurtful to you — and especially if they are now hooking up with, dating, or now living with someone else.” Your ex likely knows this, and so if they blocked you, then you probably want to trust their judgment.