You can go to school as much as you want, but there are just some things that make you smarter than average that you’re born with or are just part of your personality.
Inc. came out with this list today of 10 signs you could be smarter than the average person that have nothing to do with your IQ or if you finished college. Here are some of the highlights:
If you’re an only child or the oldest sibling.
Basically, getting your parents’ full attention early on in your life helped make you such an intelligent person. So only children and older siblings have an intelligent edge from early on, which has nothing to do with the parents’ IQs. For people who have siblings, the older child normally takes on the “teaching” role in the relationship. True story, even though my little brother thinks he’s smarter than me, I’ll never let him forget that I taught him how to read.
You’re a lefty.