l’m Positive You Will Not Know What This Is. Go Ahead And Prove Me Wrong (lf You Can)

One thing we can always be certain of is that things change over time. Nothing can stop this from happening. People change, technology changes, situations change as well. Change is inevitable! Look back at your own life, for example.

How much has actually changed? Especially when it comes to advancements in technology. It can be rather scary to look back and see just how much has evolved. But, it can also be quite refreshing! Take, for example, this “thing”; we bet you won’t know what this is… We bet won’t know what this is So, unless you were around in the ’30s, chances are, you won’t know what this is. If you do, well done! Kind of odd-looking? Isn’t it? Can you guess what this contraption could possibly be?

You would be completely forgiven for not knowing what this contraption is. But, we guess you really want to know! This funny-looking item that looks like a flask or some sort of carrier is actually a 1930’s vacuum cleaner, known as the Hercules! This retro vacuum is a far cry from the hoovers we have today. In fact, right now, I am watching my Roomba® clean my floor while I type this! Can you imagine what life back then must have been like? How exciting and innovative a machine like this was for the time? And yet, today, we all take for granted just how easy our lives have become thanks to technology and progression.

The Hercules Vacuum cleaner was a very stylish and sophisticated machine back then. The one pictured above was covered in crocodile skin, making it quite an expensive purchase. What made it even more of a luxurious item is that it was sold during the great depression – a time when many families were not even able to make ends meet, let alone by a Hercules.[1] If you did know what this item was, try showing your kids and see if they manage to guess! They definitely won’t know what this is!





Author: myhealthylife99.com

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