My Boyfriend Got Banned from His Favorite Restaurant on His Birthday and He Says It’s My Fault

A young woman turned to the internet for help when her boyfriend blamed her for his ban from his favorite restaurant during his birthday dinner.

The lingering question remains: what happened that made him point a finger at her?

On June 17, 2023, an anonymous female contributor turned to the widely read “AITA” subreddit to pen her frustrations. The woman, aged 18, had been dating her boyfriend, John, 20, for just under a year. Despite their relationship being primarily free of toxicity, a significant source of tension existed due to her vegetarian lifestyle.

She had been committed to vegetarianism since the age of 11, driven by strong moral beliefs. But there was one particular issue that irked John: her refusal to spend her money on meat.

Upon earning her own income, she had vowed not to use a single cent of it on meat products. Their dining experiences together highlighted this conflict. Usually, they split the bill, or sometimes John covered the entire cost. She had explicitly stated that she would happily pay for both if he chose a meat-free option. Strangely, he seldom did.

The times he did pay for her meals were limited to occasions when she spent her money on joint activities, such as concerts and festivals. In these situations, she could shell out €120+ ($125) on tickets while he contributed around €50 ($50) for food.

What Happened at the Birthday Dinner?

A few days before posting her Reddit account, the young lady and her boyfriend visited his favorite upscale restaurant to celebrate his birthday. He indulged in the priciest steak on the menu, paired with a side salad and a bottle of wine.

When the meal concluded, the woman approached the waiter and requested separate bills, prompting a shocked reaction from John. He seemed skeptical and asked if she was joking. Firmly, she affirmed that she wasn’t.

This led to a perplexed response from John; he assumed she would foot the bill because it was his birthday, claiming he hadn’t budgeted for the meal. Perplexed, she questioned his assumption, reminding him of her longstanding rule about not spending her money on meat. Yet, he failed to provide any rationale for his expectation apart from the fact that it was his birthday.

The young woman attempted to find a middle ground, offering to cover the cost of the wine and the side salad while expecting her boyfriend to pay for the expensive steak. However, her proposition only fueled his anger, prompting him to storm off to the bathroom in a fit of fury.









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